After Upheaval

After Upheaval

Table of contents

As we enter into a long age of upheavals, the workers and company leaders of every industry, profession and trade are facing serious, unsettling and exciting prospects. From Manhattan to Mars, things are looking very different and daunting but acceleration is the only option out of today's stasis.

Advanced computing, mechanization and engineering of all sorts is re-making 20th century life into a 22nd c. prototype and we are the Beta testers. While some things will change quickly and drastically, other improvements (and breakdowns) will be gradual, allowing for adaptation to the good and bad of what’s ahead (and what’s here).

Business is the “OS” that keep things operating, whatever “functioning society” looks like at a given time across Continents and the Cosmos.

  • What’s business fundamentally?

  • What tools worldwide facilitate and accelerate business?

  • Can we put in place a stronger foundation for the business world?


Whatever rules we place upon “trade”, whatever systems or channels we harness to facilitate commerce, underneath it all is something simple and long-lasting. It precedes our memory and it will outlast our imagination. Ensuring the operation of business in its simplest and most advanced forms is essential if we want to have any hope of astounding interstellar success, not just idling from issue to issue, election to election, trend to trend.

Exchange is when one person or system (e.g. a small business) exchanges something with another party, and that party provides something in return. By far the vast majority of exchange is plain and simple. In fact most business exchange is so simple that the bulk of our tools and systems are over-geared. They fail to support business as practiced day to day in the streets, fields, stalls and malls of the Milky Way.

A gives B X.

B gives A Y.

X is of nature K with volume P.

Y is of nature L with volume Q.

For purposes of a single exchange:




Single Exchange = (A-X+Y)+(B-Y+X)

From each party’s perspective they lose something and gain something else, and each has a resulting balance in one or more more categories of property. From a combined perspective, say that of an observer or economist, the results of both are tabulated together to represent the total volume of the exchange and to detect any growth relative to past exchanges of comparable nature and size.

These comparisons can be made with A’s or B’s own set of past or pending transactions, or they can be compared against known sets of local and regional exchanges. This allows us to estimate growth, by measuring fluctuations in quantities and ratios among types of exchange items, i.e. money, animals, land products and services.

How am I doing? What are things looking like? There are many ways to answer these questions by leveraging simple math or AI but the purpose and requirements remain the same as ever - help people improve and compete in order to expand their activity. This means that simple summaries and accessible analysis about personal performance must be available in real time, all the time, with the click of a few buttons and without reliance on the Internet.

Business is about exchange and the improved performance of its participants who seek to accelerate the returns from exchange in order to grow their activities and abilities - to pursue plans and secure existence.